Ministry of Justice

Judit Varga

Minister of Justice

Results per page 10


The Government welcomes the participation of non-governmental organisations in finding solutions to challenges

Ministry of Justice, February 27, 2017 10:00 PM

“Hungary welcomes the participation of civil society in helping to solve the challenges facing Europe, but the various roles must be differentiated, because it is undeniable that it is governments who have the greatest legitimacy”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said at Monday’s hearing of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

The EU’s external borders must be reinforced

Ministry of Justice, January 30, 2017 3:27 PM

“If the external borders of the European Union are not reinforced, the mass flow of immigrants could lead to the building of walls between Member States”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said in an interview for Maltese daily The Times of Malta.

Dialogue needed on ECHR sphere of competence

Ministry of Justice, January 19, 2017 1:25 PM

Minister of Justice and professor of law László Trócsányi has called for dialogue on the sphere of competence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in an article published in Thursday’s edition of Hungarian political weekly Figyelő.

Brussels should protect the results achieved so far

Ministry of Justice, December 19, 2016 2:13 PM

“Brussels should stop intensifying European integration and protect the results achieved so far instead of continuously creating newer and newer institutions to try and solve the problems”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said on Karc FM radio station’s Álláspont (“Standpoint”) show.

Minister of Justice speaks out in Dutch paper about criticism of Hungarian refugee policy

Ministry of Justice, December 8, 2016 11:31 AM

Minister of Justice László Trócsányi has spoken out with regard to criticism of Hungarian refugee policy in an interview for a Dutch daily newspaper.

It is not necessary to create a European Public Prosecutor’s Office

Ministry of Justice, December 6, 2016 2:54 PM

“It is not necessary to create a European Public Prosecutor’s Office, as we already have the framework within which action can be taken against corruption” Minister of Justice László Trócsányi declared after negotiations with his Dutch counterpart Ard van der Steur in The Hague on 5 December 2016.

The nature of civil procedure effects competitiveness

Ministry of Justice, November 24, 2016 2:05 PM

“The nature of a country’s civil procedure effects competitiveness”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said at a press conference in Budapest on 22 November 2016, after Parliament adopted the new Act on Civil Procedure.

Not even tourist visas could be issued if Jobbik’s proposal were to be adopted

Ministry of Justice, November 23, 2016 9:51 AM

“If the proposal put forward by Jobbik with reference to the constitutional amendment were to be adopted then not even tourist visas could be issued”, Parliamentary State Secretary Pál Völner from the Ministry of Justice said at a press conference in Esztergom on Tuesday.

Our legal arguments are strong in quota lawsuit

Ministry of Justice, November 23, 2016 9:48 AM

At a press conference on Tuesday in Budapest, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said that our legal arguments are strong in the quota lawsuit.

The migration phenomena is a true challenge

Ministry of Justice, November 9, 2016 2:58 PM

The Minister of Justice called the migration phenomenon “a true challenge for the whole world” at an international conference entitled Modern Migration: A Complex Approach to Migration organised by the Home Affairs Research Council on 9 November 2016.