Prime Minister’s Office

Gergely Gulyás

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

Results per page 10


No form of anti-Semitism can become acceptable in Europe out of political interest

Prime Minister’s Office, February 6, 2019 3:57 PM

“The current Government is the only credible political force in Hungary today that stands up in defence of Jewish communities and takes action against anti-Semitism”, Minister of State Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office declared in Bratislava at an Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) conference.

Timmermans must be withdrawn from the work of the European Commission during the election campaign

Prime Minister’s Office, February 6, 2019 1:12 PM

“Frans Timmermans, the First Vice-President of the European Commission and the top candidate of the European Socialists (PES) for the post of Commission President, should be withdrawn from the work of the Commission for the period when he is actively taking part in the election campaign”, Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás wrote in a letter to Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, explaining the position of the Hungarian Government.

Pro-immigration forces are attacking Hungary in the EU because of its immigration policy

Prime Minister’s Office, February 5, 2019 11:39 AM

“The Article 7 proceedings brought against Hungary for political reasons should not be debated during the European Parliament (EP) election campaign, but ‘there is no lack of goodwill’ on the part of Romania, the current President of the Council of the European Union, within this field”, Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday following talks with Romanian Minister for EU Affairs George Ciamba in Bucharest.

In Hungary there is zero tolerance with respect to anti-Semitism

Prime Minister’s Office, January 31, 2019 12:33 PM

“Today’s Hungary cannot be a modern and democratic state if we do not eradicate the very seed of anti-Semitism from the thinking of Hungarian society”, Minister of State for the Development and Coordination of EU Policies Szabolcs Takács from the Prime Minister’s Office said prior to the screening of the digitally remastered version of Schindler’s List in the Urania National Film Theatre. Stephen Spielberg’s multi-Oscar-winning work premiered 25 years after the release of the original version to mark the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust.

Hungary has offered the victims of the Philippines terrorist attack emergency assistance within the framework of the Hungary Helps Program

Prime Minister’s Office, January 29, 2019 3:43 PM

It was with profound sadness that the Government of Hungary learned of the terrorist attack in the Philippines on Sunday, during the course of which Islamic extremist detonated a bomb in a Catholic church during mass, and also during the rescue operation, killing 27 innocent people and injuring 80 others.

The Hungarian state bears responsibility for not having defended its citizens

Prime Minister’s Office, January 28, 2019 1:22 PM

“The Hungarian state bears responsibility for not having defended its citizens during the Holocaust; there is no collective guilt, but there is state responsibility”, Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás said at a commemoration to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Government will not attend EP debate

Prime Minister’s Office, January 24, 2019 6:25 PM

There are no genuine grounds whatsoever for the new debate on Hungary in the European Parliament, and the government will not attend, Gergely Gulyás, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated at a press conference held on Thursday in Budapest.

Children are the main victims of conflict in Syria

Prime Minister’s Office, January 22, 2019 5:13 PM

Children are the main victims of the conflict in Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari, Apostolic Nuncio to Syria said on Monday evening in Budapest.

Liberation of Budapest ghetto commemorated in Dohány utca synagogue

Prime Minister’s Office, January 18, 2019 5:47 PM

On Friday a commemoration was held in the Dohány utca synagogue on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the liberation of the Budapest ghetto.

Victory of forces opposing migration in May EP elections is in Europe’s best interest

Prime Minister’s Office, January 14, 2019 11:39 AM

In Budapest Minister of State Szabolcs Takács had talks with CDU politician Mark Speich, Secretary of State for Federal, European and International Affairs of North-Rhine Westphalia, regarding the challenges facing the EU and the preparations for the upcoming European parliamentary elections.