Prime Minister’s Office

Gergely Gulyás

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

Results per page 10


We must help immigrants regain their own lives, in their own countries

Prime Minister’s Office, October 21, 2015 5:10 PM

Dr Csaba Latorcai, Deputy State Secretary for Priority Social Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office delivered a lecture on the challenges of migration at the board meeting of the Christian-Jewish Society on 21 October.

Complete calm on Hungary’s borders

Prime Minister’s Office, October 21, 2015 3:44 PM

György Bakondi, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, has told public television station M1 that there is now complete calm on Hungary’s borders with Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. He also noted, however, that the Government of Hungary will continue to monitor events on the other side of the borders. He added that a multilateral meeting of chiefs of police will be held in Vienna next week, where police measures needed to secure the borders will be discussed.

V4 cooperation is exemplary

Prime Minister’s Office, October 20, 2015 7:01 PM

Regional cooperation, too, may serve as a means of taking action against illegal migration, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said in the context of the fact that Slovakia has sent fifty police personnel to Hungary to reinforce the protection of the country’s borders. Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér pointed out: their presence in Hungary means that the Visegrád countries give a common response to a common challenge.

Denmark agrees with Hungary in many respects

Prime Minister’s Office, October 20, 2015 11:32 AM

Denmark agrees with Hungary in many respects as to how the migration crisis should be managed, Szabolcs Takács, State Secretary for EU Affairs of the Prime Minister’s Office told the Hungarian News Agency MTI by telephone on Monday upon rendering an account of his visit to Copenhagen.

Southern security border closure is working

Prime Minister’s Office, October 19, 2015 1:28 PM

The southern security border closure is working; it successfully performs the function which the Government intended for it, that is, to prevent illegal border-crossing, the Government Spokesperson stated in Nagykanizsa.

Southern border closure is successful

Prime Minister’s Office, October 19, 2015 8:42 AM

Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács described the southern security border closure as successful. The Government successfully achieved its goal, the protection of Hungary, the Hungarian people and the borders of the European Union.

There are effectively no migrants arriving at the southern border section

Prime Minister’s Office, October 19, 2015 8:38 AM

The arrival of illegal migrants in the country via the southern border section has effectively ceased, the Government Spokesperson told the public service television channel M1 on Saturday evening from Letenye.

Hours have passed without incident since latest border measures

Prime Minister’s Office, October 18, 2015 1:18 PM

Hours have passed effectively without incident or event since the closure of the Hungarian-Croatian green border just over 24 hours ago and the entry into force of temporary border controls introduced on the Hungarian-Slovenian border as of Saturday morning, the Government Spokesperson said.

Migrants appearing on Slovenian side warranted reinstatement of border controls

Prime Minister’s Office, October 17, 2015 5:39 PM

Migrants directed by Croatia towards Slovenia appeared in the direct vicinity of the Hungarian border, at Rédics, on the Slovenian side, on Saturday morning; this is what warranted the temporary reinstatement of border controls in conformity with the Schengen regulations, the Government Spokesperson announced.

Hungarian-Croatian green border has been closed

Prime Minister’s Office, October 17, 2015 12:55 AM

The Hungarian-Croatian green border was closed at midnight on Friday, and the same border policing method was introduced as on the Hungarian-Serbian section, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács announced in Zákány.