Prime Minister’s Office

Gergely Gulyás

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

Results per page 10


The Prime Minister’s Office welcomes the Solidarity Sabbath initiative

Prime Minister’s Office, May 22, 2015 2:23 PM

The Prime Minister’s Office welcomes the Solidarity Sabbath initiative called to life by the Tom Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice in an attempt to underscore the importance of the fight against anti-Semitism, incitement of hatred and exclusion, as well as the importance of tolerance.

In its stance on immigration Hungary is not alone among EU Member States

Prime Minister’s Office, May 19, 2015 7:31 PM

Minister of State for EU Affairs Szabolcs Takács has said that in Hungary’s opinion a distinction should be made between immigrants and refugees; furthermore, Hungary rejects the quota system proposed by the European Commission, and in this respect it is not alone among EU Member States.

Euro-Atlantic integration is a strategic interest for Hungary

Prime Minister’s Office, May 18, 2015 4:52 PM

Promoting the Euro-Atlantic integration is a strategic interest for Hungary for historical reasons and based on our historical experiences, Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén said at the plenary meeting of the 2015 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in the Parliament Building on Monday.

Development funds worth HUF 1,200 billion to be allocated to county-ranked cities

Prime Minister’s Office, May 15, 2015 4:33 PM

The Government will agree with all county-ranked cities regarding the utilisation of regional development funds by June, János Lázár said in Hódmezővásárhely on Friday.

Wages of thirty-five thousand workers to increase

Prime Minister’s Office, May 15, 2015 9:33 AM

The Government has decided on the introduction of the e-card which may combine a number of personal documents in the future, János Lázár announced at today’s session of Government Info. At the press conference reporting on the results of the Wednesday cabinet meeting, the Minister spoke about the pay rise of public administration workers, the reduction of procedural fees, the measures taken with a view to rescuing foreign currency debtors, the new regional development programme, the development of the Paks atomic power station, and the improving demographic indicators.

Hungarian delegation to the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism headed by Szabolcs Takács

Prime Minister’s Office, May 14, 2015 3:02 PM

On Wednesday the Hungarian government’s delegation at the opening of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism was headed by Szabolcs Takács, Minister of State for EU Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministerial Commissioner for the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Chairmanship. The opening session was attended by representatives of more than ten thousand Jewish communities, political leaders, diplomats and experts.

Government to forward the European Agenda on Migration to the parliamentary committee

Prime Minister’s Office, May 13, 2015 5:54 PM

Today the European Commission published its European Agenda on Migration aimed at tackling the issue of migration.

Prime Minister’s Office signs cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Architects and the Chamber of Engineers

Prime Minister’s Office, May 12, 2015 4:51 PM

Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office János Lázár signed a cooperation agreement with the Presidents of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers and the Hungarian Chamber of Architects. Amongst the most important common tasks is decreasing bureaucracy and making the use of EU funds more efficient and transparent, the Minister said.

EU membership has brought Hungary countless benefits

Prime Minister’s Office, May 11, 2015 3:24 PM

On Saturday, at an event organised on Europe Day, Deputy State Secretary for EU Development Policy Communication Nándor Csepreghy said that even though there have been disputes over the past eleven years, EU membership has brought Hungary countless benefits. He stressed that the relationship between the EU and Hungary has stood the test of time, and crises have only strengthened the ties.

Prime Minister of Hungary did not threaten to defy EU law

Prime Minister’s Office, May 8, 2015 9:22 AM

The Guardian published the letter of Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács sent to the British national newspaper, in which he notes that the Guardian's article published on 29 April 2015 contains a number of serious inaccuracies and distortions regarding Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s recent statements about the death penalty and immigration.