Ministry of Finance

Mihály Varga

Minister of Finance

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Budapest’s role as financial centre is further increasing

Ministry of Finance, September 17, 2019 5:00 PM

The International Investment Bank is now officially operating from Budapest headquarters; thanks to this, the financial institution has become more recognised and more competitive also internationally, Finance Minister Mihály Varga stated at the business forum of the International Investment Bank and the Ministry of Finance. The Finance Minister stressed that the relocation of the headquarters to Budapest is a major acknowledgement of Hungary’s economic policy which will bring shareholders, including Hungary, positive results, and will offer players of the Hungarian economy further new opportunities.

Attainment of climate protection targets requires sustainable funding

Ministry of Finance, September 14, 2019 12:32 PM

The growth of the Eastern and Central European region continues to remain well above the European Union’s average, and therefore it plays a key role in the strengthening of the continent’s economy. Preserving the balance of the budget is a particular priority, and so climate targets must be defined in such a way that their funding remain sustainable in the long run.

We must also prepare for hard Brexit

Ministry of Finance, September 13, 2019 6:34 PM

It is in Hungary’s best interest that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union with an agreement. At the same time, we must also prepare for a hard Brexit scenario, Finance Minister Mihály Varga stressed at the extended meeting of Eurozone finance ministers (Eurogroup) held in Helsinki. The Minister highlighted that the government has already prepared all local legislative amendments and policy measures that might be necessary in consequence of Brexit.

Hungarian-Chinese financial cooperation could further strengthen

Ministry of Finance, September 9, 2019 1:52 PM

Hungary and the Central and Eastern European region are becoming ever more dominant also from an economic point of view, and so they offer ever expanding opportunities to foreign investors.

Budgetary processes are predictable

Ministry of Finance, September 9, 2019 1:25 PM

The government’s successful economic policy, against the background of maintaining the balance of the budget, will be able to guarantee the reduction of the burdens of businesses, the availability of funds for the planned family support measures, and the funds necessary for domestic and EU developments.

University research also increases the performance of the economy

Ministry of Finance, September 8, 2019 10:34 AM

“It is in the interests of the Hungarian economy for the scientific and research results of universities to be utilized as rapidly as possible, and to reinforce economic development and innovation as a result”, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga declared at the University of Debrecen’s academic year opener.

Hungarian economy could further expand in slowing Europe

Ministry of Finance, September 7, 2019 3:33 PM

There is some slowing down, but there is no major decline, there is no recession yet, Finance Minister Mihály Varga said summing up the latest processes in the world economy and Hungary’s prospects in his address delivered at the closing plenary session of the 57th Itinerant Conference of Economists in Nyíregyháza.

In Hungary rate of tax evasion fell to nine per cent last year

Ministry of Finance, September 5, 2019 8:47 PM

Since the introduction of the online era, in Hungary in five years the so-called VAT gap has fallen by 12 percentage points. According to a study of the European Commission released on Thursday, the government’s measures seeking to whiten the economy are successful, and thanks to this, by 2018 the rate of tax evasion has shrunk to a single-digit figure which is exemplary even in the European Union.

Economy’s performance creates foundations for increasing family support

Ministry of Finance, September 5, 2019 8:44 PM

The best interests of the Hungarian people, the strengthening of families and the development of the economy are at the centre of the government’s way of thinking.

A strong nation strategy yields economic results

Ministry of Finance, September 4, 2019 2:44 PM

Hungary has a strong and firm nation strategy, and this is provably leading the country to ever further economic and social results.