Ministry of Justice

Judit Varga

Minister of Justice

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Ministry of Justice to seek position of Constitutional Court regarding mandatory quotas

Ministry of Justice, March 1, 2018 5:22 PM

Based on the government’s authorisation, today Justice Minister László Trócsányi submitted to the Constitutional Court the government’s request for the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Fundamental Law.

Justice Minister László Trócsányi had talks in Paris with his French counterpart about EU cooperation schemes and victim protection

Ministry of Justice, February 12, 2018 4:01 PM

Justice Minister László Trócsányi had talks in Paris with his French counter part Nicole Belloubet about the significance of justice cooperation in the European Union and, as part of this, the efforts made in the field of victim protection.

Hungary does not wish to change asylum regulations

Ministry of Justice, February 12, 2018 3:59 PM

Hungary does not wish to change its asylum regulations, does not wish to dismantle the physical fence, and does not wish to abolish the legal border closure measures implemented to stop migrants, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Justice Ministry Pál Völner told the Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

It is Soros’s network that is characterised by mafia methods

Ministry of Justice, February 1, 2018 4:18 PM

“A stealthy and expanding legislation can be observed within the European Union, which serves the extension of judicial power and parallel to it the overshadowing of nation states”, the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary Pál Völner emphasised in an interview for Hungarian daily Magyar Hírlap, adding that in contrast to the Hungarian Government “it is in fact George Soros’s network that is characterised by mafia methods”.

An EU ruling could open the doors to migration

Ministry of Justice, January 26, 2018 3:05 PM

“Thursday’s ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, which prohibits the use of phycologists as experts during the assessment of asylum requests, could open Hungary’s doors to migrants”, Hungarian daily Magyar Idők writes in its 26 January edition.

Registration serves transparency in Stop Soros legislative package

Ministry of Justice, January 23, 2018 11:01 AM

According to the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of Justice, the requirement for organisations assisting illegal migration to register in the event of the passage of the Stop Soros legislative package serves enhanced transparency.

Soros’s organisations are preparing to punish Hungary

Ministry of Justice, January 23, 2018 10:25 AM

“The Hungarians expect the Government to take action against illegal immigration, and this is why we have drawn up the ‘Stop Soros’ legislative package”, the Ministry of Justice’s parliamentary State Secretary said in an interview published on news portal Origo on 22 January. Pál Völner also spoke about the fact that the organisations funded by George Soros are encouraging Europe’s system of institutions to support mass migration and organised admittance, and to punish countries that are resisting, including Hungary.

Dual nationals also vote in many Western European countries

Ministry of Justice, January 16, 2018 9:58 AM

“One cannot differentiate between citizens; dual nationals living abroad can also vote in many Western European countries”, Minister of Justice László Trócsányi said on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday evening current affairs program.

There are organisations that criticise the work of the authorities even with relation to terrorism

Ministry of Justice, January 10, 2018 8:52 AM

According to the Ministry of Justice’s Parliamentary State Secretary, one of the lessons of the Ahmed H. case is that even with relation to terrorism and illegal border crossing there are organisations that criticise the work of the Hungarian authorities and courts.

In Hungary’s opinion, Brussels is endangering the rule of law

Ministry of Justice, January 9, 2018 10:24 AM

In an interview published in the 9 January 2018 edition of the Austrian daily Die Presse, Hungarian Minister of Justice László Trócsányi expressed his concerns with relation to the fact that in his opinion the European Commission is endangering the rule of law.