Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Péter Szijjártó

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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EU restrictions on the state funding of investment projects should be lifted until the end of this year

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 3, 2020 3:08 PM

“The European Union should lift its restrictions on the state funding of investment projects until the end of this year, because it is only through investments that new workplaces can be created”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on his Facebook page on Wednesday following an online conference of the Visegrád Group countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, the V4) and the Northern-Baltic-Eight (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden, the NB8).

Hungary remains committed to the success of the Three Seas Initiative

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 3, 2020 11:11 AM

The Hungarian Government has decided to join the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund with 20 MEURs, thus becoming the third Member of the Fund. The Hungarian Export-Import Bank’s aim is to finalize its accession before the TSI Ministerial Conference in June.

Never again can Europe be so vulnerable

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 3, 2020 8:53 AM

“Never again can Europe be allowed to be so vulnerable with relation to strategic issues”, the Danish and Hungarian Foreign Ministers said in evaluation of the situation that has arisen because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Hungarian-Slovakian cooperation has never been as good as it is today

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 3, 2020 8:34 AM

“Never before during the course of our common history has Hungarian-Slovakian cooperation been as good as it is today”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday in Budapest.

Competitiveness program applicants have undertaken to realise over a billion euros in investments

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 3:23 PM

“Applicants for funding within the framework of the competitiveness-increasing program have undertaken to realise 376 billion forints (EUR 1.08 billion) in investments, and to retain a total of 143,600 jobs”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday in Budapest at a ceremony to present funding certificates to successful applicants.

Esztergom freight ferry to begin operating again from Tuesday morning

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 11:08 AM

“The Esztergom freight ferry will begin operating again from Tuesday morning”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his social media page on Monday.

A thirteenth border crossing point will be reopened along the Slovakian-Hungarian border on Tuesday

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 11:05 AM

“A thirteenth border crossing point along the Hungarian-Slovakian border will be reopened this morning, this time at Nógrádszakál-Ráróspuszta”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his social media page on Tuesday morning.

In Hungary, protecting human lives cannot be a question of healthcare capacity

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 10:50 AM

“In Hungary, it cannot occur that saving a human life is an issue of healthcare capacity”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote on his social media page on Sunday.

Our goal remains to send a Hungarian astronaut to the International Space Station

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 8:28 AM

“Our goal continues to be to send a Hungarian astronaut to the International Space Station”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó emphasised on Friday during a video conference of European Union ministers responsible for space affairs.

Memorial to be erected to commemorate the victims of last year’s Danube pleasure-boat tragedy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, June 2, 2020 8:24 AM

“A memorial will be erected in Budapest to commemorate the victims of the Hableány pleasure-boat accident that occurred a year ago at the foot of Margaret Bridge”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on Friday at the site of the tragedy.