Ministry of National Development

Ministry of National Development

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Major EU funding to be awarded to railway development

Ministry of National Development, July 31, 2015 2:53 PM

During the EU fiscal cycle extending to 2020, some one thousand billion forints will be available for the development of fixed track transport, and as part of this funding, the international TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Networks) will be upgraded on a section of 800 kilometres, János Fónagy, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Development said.

Families save 334 billion forints with utility cost reduction programme

Ministry of National Development, July 14, 2015 3:51 PM

The utility cost reduction programme was a success: in 2013 and 2014 the programme secured savings worth 334 billion forints for some 3.8 million households – the Ministry of National Development’s Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, János Fónagy declared at a Monday press briefing.

Hungary contributes 1 billion HUF to UN Green Climate Fund

Ministry of National Development, July 8, 2015 4:03 PM

The Hungarian Government has decided to pledge HUF 1 billion (USD 3.57 million) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Hungary has been a member of the Board of the Green Climate Fund for three years now, and the national pledge also highlights the county’s commitment to the Fund’s continued efforts.

Nuclear agreement between Hungary and China

Ministry of National Development, May 27, 2015 4:34 PM

The Hungarian Minister for National Development Miklós Seszták and the head of the National Energy Office of the People’s Republic of China signed a declaration of intent on cooperation in training, the dissemination of information and research and development in nuclear science and industry on 26 May 2015 in Budapest.

International Energy Charter: an important milestone in global energy regulation

Ministry of National Development, May 21, 2015 2:32 PM

At the ministerial conference held in The Hague on 20-21 May to adopt the International Energy Charter, Hungary was represented by Minister of State for Energy Affairs of the Ministry of National Development András Aradszki and Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade István Mikola as members of the Hungarian delegation.

Ready to fly: plans for enhancing efficiency and safety of aviation worked out

Ministry of National Development, May 11, 2015 4:33 PM

The general directors of aviation of six Central-European countries laid down plans for the coming years for enhancing the general efficiency of air navigation services in Budapest on 7 May, 2015.

Representative office of Hungary’s first Trading House in North America inaugurated in New York

Ministry of National Development, May 6, 2015 4:43 PM

In the EU development period of until 2020 the Hungarian Government puts greater than ever focus on consolidating the entrepreneurial sector, for which the inauguration of the Trading Office in New York will open a new gate in the United States, Minister of National Development Miklós Seszták pointed out at the inauguration ceremony of the first Hungarian Trading House in North America at the Consulate General of Hungary in New York on Tuesday.

Brown coal and hydrocarbon mining concessions issued

Ministry of National Development, April 16, 2015 4:51 PM

The Minister of National Development has issued calls for proposals for the exploration and exploitation of brown coal at the site of the mine known under the name “Dubicsány I – Coal” as well as for the research, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon in the areas of Battonya-Pusztaföldvár North, Berettyóújfalu, Dány, Lakócsa, Mogyoród, Nagykáta, Ócsa, Püspökladány and Sellye.

One more step closer to full-fledged membership in the European Space Agency, ESA

Ministry of National Development, April 2, 2015 4:56 PM

Hungary's accession to the European Space Agency, ESA, has again reached an important milestone. The Accession Agreement signed in Budapest on 24 February, was announced by the Government in the government decree published in the latest issue of the Hungarian Official Journal.

Coordinated steps for yet more transport development funding

Ministry of National Development, March 27, 2015 2:16 PM

The Transport Ministers of the Visegrád Countries and Austria, Vice President of the European Commission Maroš Šefčovič and EU Commissioner for Transport and Mobility Violeta Bulc attended the Bratislava Meeting on 26 March, 2015. The discussion held on board a train to Zilina focused on the work plans for the transport corridors affecting V4 countries, the efficient utilisation of CEF funds and the investment stimulation programme of the Juncker-package.