Ministry of National Development

Ministry of National Development

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National campaign launched to promote tap water consumption

Ministry of National Development, December 3, 2014 11:01 AM

Tap water consumption is not only healthy but it also reflects environmentally aware behaviour, Deputy State Secretary for Consumer Protection László Koszorús said upon launching the campaign From the Tap! (Csapra Fel!) in Budapest on 2 December, 2014. The national awareness raising action launched by the five major regional water public utility service providers aims to encourage the Hungarian population’s tap water consumption.

Transport development serves economic stimulation

Ministry of National Development, November 18, 2014 1:37 PM

In the EU budget period of 2014-2020, transport development is to serve stimulating the economy, increasing competitiveness and enhancing employment, while one of the great winners of the time will be the railways, Minister of State for Transport Policy of the Ministry of National Development László Tasó pointed out.

Rosetta Programme catapults Hungary to the world’s frontline

Ministry of National Development, November 14, 2014 8:26 AM

The landing of the Philae lander is an international, pan-European success story in which Hungary has had an outstanding role thanks to prominent representatives of the national scientific and business communities. The Government finds it important to support space research since thereby it may facilitate the participation of Hungarian small and medium enterprises as well as university and academic research institutions in similar projects.

European Commission agrees there is security of gas supply in Hungary

Ministry of National Development, October 28, 2014 4:22 PM

The examination of potential scenarios modelling natural gas supply disruptions has been completed. A debate on the European Commission communiqué summarising the findings of the examination and the related short-term, long-term and country-specific recommendations has started in recent days.

Ministers urge broadband for all

Ministry of National Development, October 22, 2014 10:21 AM

Minister of National Development Miklós Seszták represented Hungary at the annual meeting of information and communications technology ministers in Busan, South Korea, on 19 October, 2014. The ICT ministers of the 52 countries attending the event adopted a common statement on the future vision of the sector.

MND launched EU tenders in environment and energy efficiency

Ministry of National Development, October 17, 2014 10:56 AM

Within the framework of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme, the Ministry of National Development (MND) supports projects related to urban water supply, wastewater collection and treatment by HUF 58 billion in the first round, Minister of State for Development and Climate Policy and Priority Public Services Zsolt Szabó said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday.

First vehicles of new multiple unit fleet to be put into service

Ministry of National Development, October 15, 2014 5:08 PM

The development of passenger rail services in Hungary has reached a new milestone: the first FLIRT multiple units procured jointly by MÁV-START and GYSEV Ltd’s were put into use in Budapest on 15 October, 2014. The four vehicles of MÁV-START are to carry passengers from 16 October and the three multiple units of GYSEV will be put into traffic in the coming three weeks. The fleet is to gradually grow in the months to come and will be complete by the end of 2015.

M3 Motorway now extended up to Vásárosnamény

Ministry of National Development, October 10, 2014 2:54 PM

Thanks to an efficient cooperation between the government, the authority and the contractor, the 11.9 km section of M3 Motorway between Trunk Road 49 and Vásárosnamény has been opened for public use one month before the deadline.

28 new hybrid buses to be launched in Budapest

Ministry of National Development, October 6, 2014 5:23 PM

‘The first new hybrid articulated bus will be put into operation in Budapest at the beginning of November, as part of the largest hybrid bus fleet to be operated in the central European capitals’, Minister of National Development Miklós Seszták announced at a Budapest press conference on Sunday.

MKB Bank is now part of national assets

Ministry of National Development, October 1, 2014 11:24 AM

The sale and purchase transaction between the old and new owner of MKB Bank was completed successfully and according to plans on 29 September, 2014. Pursuant to the agreement signed between Bayerische Landesbank and the Hungarian Minister of National Development representing the Hungarian State, the bank was brought into national ownership. The Government aspires to extend Hungarian ownership in the banking system, whereby the Hungarian population and enterprises become less exposed to banks in terms of financial services.